List of accepted papers
(In order of appearance)
Track C: Security and Foundations of Cryptography
- Private Multiparty Sampling and Approximation of Vector Combinations
- Yuval Ishai, Tal Malkin, Martin J. Strauss and Rebecca N. Wright
We consider the problem of private efficient data mining of
vertically-partitioned databases. Each of several parties holds a
column of a data matrix (a vector) and the parties want to investigate
the componentwise combination of their vectors. The parties want to
minimize communication and local computation while guaranteeing
privacy in the sense that no party learns more than necessary.
Sublinear-communication private protocols have been primarily been
studied only in the two-party case. We give efficient multiparty
protocols for sampling a row of the data matrix and for computing
arbitrary functions of a row, where the row index is additively shared
among two or more parties. We also give protocols for approximating
the componentwise sum, minimum, or maximum of the columns in which the
communication and the number of public-key operations are at most
polynomial in the size of the small approximation and polylogarithmic
in the number of rows.
- Constant-Round Private Database Queries
- Nenad Dedic and Payman Mohassel
We consider several private database query problems. The starting
point of this work is the element rank problem: the server holds a
database of n integers, and the user an integer q; the
user wishes to find out how many database records are smaller than
q, without revealing q; nothing else about the database
should be disclosed. We show a non-interactive communication-efficient
solution to this problem. We then use it to solve more complex private
database queries: range queries, range queries in plane and
higher-dimensional generalizations of element rank. We also show an
improved solution to the k-th ranked element problem,
and a solution to private keyword search using weaker assumptions
than in previous results. All our solutions assume semi-honest adversarial behaviour.
- Deterministic History-Independent Strategies for Storing Information on Write-Once Memories
- Tal Moran, Moni Naor and Gil Segev
Motivated by the challenging task of designing "secure" vote
storage mechanisms, we deal with information storage mechanisms that
operate in extremely hostile environments. In such environments, the
majority of existing techniques for information storage and for security
are susceptible to powerful adversarial attacks. In this setting, we
propose a mechanism for storing a set of at most K elements from
a large universe of size N on write-once memories in a manner
that does not reveal the insertion order of the elements. Whereas
previously known constructions were either inefficient (required
Θ(K2) memory), randomized, or employed cryptographic
techniques which are unlikely to be available in hostile environments,
we eliminate each of these undesirable properties. The total amount of
memory used by the mechanism is linear in the number of stored elements
and poly-logarithmic in the size of the universe of elements.
In addition, we consider one of the classical distributed computing
problems: Conflict resolution in multiple-access channels. By
establishing a tight connection with the basic building block of our
mechanism, we construct the first deterministic and non-adaptive
conflict resolution algorithm whose running time is optimal up to
poly-logarithmic factors.
- Trading Static for Adaptive Security in Universally Composable Zero-Knowledge
- Aggelos Kiayias and Hong-Sheng Zhou
Adaptive security, while more realistic as an adversarial model,
is typically much harder to achieve compared to static security in
cryptographic protocol design. Universal composition (UC)
provides a very attractive framework for the modular design of
cryptographic protocols that captures both static and adaptive
security formulations. In the UC framework, one can design
protocols in hybrid worlds that allow access to idealized
functionalities and then apply the universal composition theorem
to obtain more concrete protocol instances. The zero-knowledge
(ZK) ideal functionality is one of the most useful
sub-protocols in modular cryptographic design. Given an adaptively
secure protocol in the ideal ZK-hybrid-world do we always need an
adaptively secure realization of the ZK functionality in order to
preserve adaptive security under composition? In this work,
perhaps surprisingly, we find that this is not so and in fact
there are useful protocol instances that we can "trade static
security for adaptive security."
We investigate the above setting, by introducing a weakened ZK
ideal functionality, called the ideal leaking-zero-knowledge
functionality (LZK) that leaks some information about the witness
to the adversary in a certain prescribed way. We show that while
LZK is interchangeable to ZK against static adversaries, ZK is
more stringent when adaptive adversaries are considered. We then
proceed to characterize a class of protocols in the
hybrid-ZK-world that can be "transported" to the
LZK-hybrid-world without forfeiting their security against
adaptive adversaries. Our results demonstrate that in such
settings a static protocol realization of ZK is sufficient for
ensuring adaptive security for the parent hybrid protocol
something that enables simplified and substantially more
efficient UC realizations of such protocols.
- A Characterization of Non-Interactive Instance-Dependent Commitment-Schemes (NIC)
- Bruce Kapron, Lior Malka and Venkatesh Srinivasan
We provide a new characterization of certain
zero-knowledge protocols as non-interactive instance-dependent
commitment-schemes (NIC). To obtain this result we consider the
notion of V-bit protocols, which are very common, and found
many applications in zero-knowledge. Our characterization result
states that a protocol has a V-bit zero-knowledge protocol if
and only if it has a NIC. The NIC inherits its hiding property
from the zero-knowledge property of the protocol, and vice versa.
Our characterization result yields a framework that strengthens and
simplifies many zero-knowledge protocols in various settings. For
example, applying this framework to the result of Micciancio et
al. (who showed that some problems, including
unconditionally have a concurrent zero-knowledge
proof) we easily get that arbitrary, monotone boolean formulae over
a large class of problems (which contains, e.g., the complement of
any random self-reducible problem) unconditionally have a
concurrent zero-knowledge proof.
- Private Locally Decodable Codes
- Rafail Ostrovsky, Omkant Pandey and Amit Sahai
We consider the problem of constructing efficient locally decodable
codes in the presence of a computationally bounded adversary.
Assuming the existence of one-way functions, we construct
efficient locally decodable codes with positive information rate
and low (almost optimal) query complexity which can correctly
decode any given bit of the message from constant channel error rate
ρ. This compares favorably to our state of knowledge
locally-decodable codes without cryptographic assumptions. For all
our constructions, the probability for any polynomial-time
adversary, that the decoding algorithm incorrectly decodes any bit
of the message is negligible in the security parameter.
- Hash Functions in the Dedicated-Key Setting: Design Choices and MPP Transforms
- Mihir Bellare and Thomas Ristenpart
In the dedicated-key setting, one uses a compression function
to build a family of hash functions
Hf:K×M→{0,1}n indexed
by a key space K. This is different from the more traditional design
approach used to build hash functions such as MD5 or SHA-1, in which
compression functions and hash functions do not have dedicated key
inputs. We explore the benefits and drawbacks of building hash
functions in the dedicated-key setting (as compared to the more
traditional approach), highlighting several unique features of the
former. Should one choose to build hash functions in the dedicated-key
setting, we suggest utilizing multi-property-preserving (MPP) domain
extension transforms. We analyze seven existing dedicated-key
transforms with regard to the MPP goal and propose two simple new MPP
- Unrestricted Aggregate Signatures
- Mihir Bellare, Chanathip Namprempre and Gregory Neven
Secure use of the BGLS aggregate signature
schemes is restricted to the aggregation of distinct messages (for
the basic scheme) or per-signer distinct messages (for the
enhanced, prepend-public-key version of the scheme). We argue that
these restrictions preclude interesting applications, make usage
of the schemes error-prone and are generally undesirable in
practice. Via a new analysis and proof, we show how the
restrictions can be lifted, yielding the first truly unrestricted
aggregate signature scheme. Via another new analysis and proof, we show
that the distinct signer restriction on the
sequential aggregate signature schemes can also
be dropped, yielding an unrestricted sequential aggregate
signature scheme.
- Ring Signatures of Sub-Linear Size without Random Oracles
- Nishanth Chandran, Jens Groth and Amit Sahai
Ring signatures, introduced by Rivest, Shamir and Tauman, enable a
user to sign a message anonymously on behalf of a "ring". A ring is a
group of users, which includes the signer. We propose a ring signature
scheme that has size O(√N) where N is the number of
users in the ring. An additional feature of our scheme is that it has
perfect anonymity.
Our ring signature like most other schemes uses the common reference
string model. We offer a variation of our scheme, where the signer is
guaranteed anonymity even if the common reference string is maliciously
- Offline/Online-Mixing
- Ben Adida and Douglas Wikström
We introduce an offline precomputation technique for mix-nets that
drastically reduces the amount of online computation needed. Our
method can be based on any additively homomorphic cryptosystem and is
applicable when the number of senders and the maximal bit-size of
messages are relatively small.
- Fully Collusion Resistant Black-Box Traitor Revocable Broadcast Encryption with Short Private Keys
- Jun Furukawa and Nuttapong Attrapadung
Broadcast encryption schemes enable senders to efficiently broadcast
ciphertexts to a large set of receivers in a way that only non-revoked
receivers can decrypt them.
Black-box traitor revocable broadcast encryption schemes are broadcast
encryption schemes that enable a tracer, who is given a pirate
decoder, to identify traitors by black-box accessing the given pirated
decoder and to revoke traitors so identified.
In this paper, we propose a fully collusion resistant black-box traitor
revocable broadcast encryption scheme in which the size of each
private key is constant, the size of the public key is proportional to
the number of receivers, and the sizes of ciphertexts are sub-linear
with respect to the number of receivers.
The encryption procedure in our scheme requires only a public key. The
tracing procedure in it requires only a public key and black-box access
to a resettable pirate decoder.
The security of our scheme is proved in the generic bilinear group
model if the subgroup decision assumption holds.